External confidant(e)

Appointing a confidant(e) within or outside the organisation can help remedy many of the underlying problems in your organisation. Research shows that more than half of such conflicts or problem situations are resolved through a conversation with, or informal intervention by, the confidant(e).

The confidant(e) is someone who listens, advises, and informs through a confidential conversation. It is a first-aid line that mainly tries to support by outlining communication routes or jointly putting together a plan of action. The confidant(e) can intervene, but nothing happens without the consent of the individual who has reported a problem or conflict. The latter always has the choice whether or not to take action, and with whom.

The confidant(e) is not a therapist, union or judge. (S)he is someone who looks for openings to get a situation moving. That is exactly what motivated me to follow the trustee training and make myself available to the arts sector as a freelance external trustee. In a way, it connects my bond with the arts sector with my practice within Beyond the Spoken.

Barbara is an external confidant(e) for the organisations and artists involved in Klein Verzet, wpZimmer, arts centre BUDA, arts centre nona, NEXT arts festival and Grip vzw.

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