short film program and magazine
short film program and magazine
Guest curator short film program
At the request of Sereni and kortfilm.be, the online platform for short films in Flanders, Barbara Raes curated a short film program on the theme of covert mourning.
Short films are the medium par excellence to explore a sampling of diverse perspectives, cultures and ideas in a short time span. In this instance, Cinema acted as a gentle binding agent between grief experience, art and dialogue. The program was screened at BUDA Arts Centre (Kortrijk, 9 November 2022). Other guest curators were Maaike Neuville (Brussels, 7 November) and Sachli Gholamalizad (Antwerp, 8 November). A warm and comforting film program transformed loss and grief into themes for discussion and doubled up as a vehicle for celebrating togetherness and life.
ONTroerd is a quarterly magazine that aims to give loss and grief a place in society. ONTroerd #4 contains stories by personalities and covers topics that testify to how deeply rooted things can be. Piet Goddaer talks about the generation gap and its consequences in his music making. Sachli Gholamalizad discusses Iranian society through short films. Barbara Raes covers covert mourning and talks about her project Eight x Afscheid Anders. Bart Stouten touches upon the subjects of music, silence, the fragility of life and the gigantic paradox at the core of our existence.

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