Artistic co-creation of rituals
Artistic co-creation of rituals
During U-Loss, Barbara Raes shares the practice of Beyond the Spoken with artists from different disciplines and backgrounds. Together, they create rituals for unacknowledged loss, and explore alternative models for moments of transition in which the arts can play a part. At the end of this full-on process (min. 3 weeks), the rituals are shared with an audience to mark the completion of the ritual. Barbara Raes has so far developed U-Loss in Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent.
U-Loss, Berlin, HAU, 2017
With Mieko Suzuki, Claudia Hill, Jassem Hindi, Jasmin Ihraç, Nathalie Bikoro, Ligia Lewis, Maria Scaroni, Mieko Suzuki, Oliver Zahn
U-Loss, Ghent, KASK, 2018
Students Autonome Vormgeving (2e bachelor)
U-Loss, Brussels, Kaaitheater, 2019
With Bilal Alnouri, Gabino Rodriguez, Jassem Hindi, Leonardo Delogu, Melih Gençboyaci, Mieko Suzuki
U-Loss, Berlin, HAU online, 2020
With Ania Nowak, Colin Self, Dragana Bulut, Enis Turan, Falk Rößler, Joana Tischkau, Mmakgosi Kgabi, Nuray Demir, Olympia Bukkakis
U-Loss, Dublin, Dublin Theater Festival online, 2020
With John Lillis, Doirrean Coady, Ruari Donovan, Pamela McQueen, Gillian Shane O’Reily, Ronan Phelan
U-Loss, Antwerp, De Singel, 2021
With Anaïs Chabeur, Rose-Myrtha Fortuna, Hari Sacré Prasad, Laura-Eva Meuris, Barbara and Stefanie Claes, Martina Petrovic, Asa Horvitz

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