Festival about mourning and loss
Festival about mourning and loss
Guest curator together with Colin H. Van Eeckhout (Amenra)
For AMEN & BEYOND (May 2019), arts centre VIERNULVIER invited two curators: Barbara Raes from Beyond the Spoken and Colin H. Van Eeckhout, the voice of post-metal band Amenra. As guest curators, they compiled a program revolving around the rituals that underpin their activities: death, sacrifice, farewell, care and pain. They each idiosyncratically tackle the issue from within their own medium. Their views are complementary and mirror each other's artistic approach. While Amenra uses music to initiate almost collective rituals for large audiences, Beyond the Spoken revolves around the individual’s inner landscape. The two curators also expressed the desire to co-create a project for the city of Ghent. The result was a huge incineration ritual, blending their personal language of collective concern and individual grief: Uit handen geven.

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