For AMEN & BEYOND, Amenra and Beyond the Spoken created a fire ritual for unacknowledged loss. To do this, they collaborated with Indonesian artist Toni Kanwa Adikusumah.
For years, Kanwa has been trying to connect the contemporary art world with the rituals of the Sunda tradition - an archipelago east of Bali, where people consciously choose to continue living rudimentary lives. In the Sunda tradition, sculpture is synonymous with 'power bearing' and exclusively used for ritual purposes. Kanwa created a sculpture where, over a period of ten days, people could deposit their major and minor sorrows. On 25 May 2019, the sculpture was installed at Citadel Park site for a burning ritual by Beyond the Spoken & Amenra. In it, personal demons were converted into renewed energy and strength. When individual grief is experienced collectively, it partially dissolves into a sense of togetherness.
A moment of collective introspection.

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